Updated Safety Wellbeing Assessment and Children in CEOs Care Datasets

Requesting updating two currently existing datasets

I would like the indicators from two datasets (Safety and Wellbeing Assessments undertaken where concerns for children were investigated by the Department for Child Protection and Family Support during 2015-16 and 2016-17. - Datasets - data.wa.gov.au, Children in the CEOs care on 30 June 2008 - 2017 - Datasets - data.wa.gov.au) released with more current data. These are from 2017; ideally would like to have data up to 2024 - but otherwise identical datasets with the same indicators.

How can I best request this information?

OP has already been in touch, but for other readers: where a dataset already exists in the catalogue, a great place to start is one of the contact points on the dataset page :slight_smile:

If the contact is out of date or has been left blank, let us know at info@data.wa.gov.au.