Hi Ben and followers of the post.
In regard to DWER spatial data provision to DataWA/SLIP. We are in the process of reviewing our spatial data provision policy and the outcome is likely to see more of publicly available datasets being accessible via DataWA and in WFS/Downloadable methods.
For the datasets in question I’ll respond below.
Water Licensing Information (Bores and Properties) - under legislation DWER can only provide the information as it is shown on the Water Register.
Timestamped spatial copies can be requested by emailing spatial.data@dwer.wa.gov.au
Perth Ground Water contours - Historic min and max contours underlie the Perth Groundwater Map. Yearly (1997-2020) min and max DTGW and WTE data also exist for the Gnangara and Jandakot mound areas. Again reach out to DWER for copies.
LiDAR data - The Swan Coastal Plain, Two Rocks to Dunsborough area, LiDAR survey was captured in 2008. DWER also has a further 66,550sqkm of LiDAR outside of this Swan Coastal Plain survey. The LIDAR can be purchased from DWER.
The Water Information (WIN) Sites dataset represents the locations (Point) where a measurement/s has been taken. The Water Information Reporting tool is the best way to interact with data and receive reports on info such as Measurements of water table depth, stream height, water quality, construction details such as bore logs etc. Timestamped spatial copies of the Sites (points) can be requested.
Look forward to helping all with their requests for data from DWER. Email through to spatial.data@dwer.wa.gov.au