State data not on DATA WA

Hi guys,

Just wanted to bring your attention to data that I’ve noticed is available at the source organisation, but not hosted or available to download in data wa.

Some of the examples i’ve noticed so far:
Groundwater Abstraction Bores
Groundwater Abstraction License Areas
Perth Ground Water contours
Lidar data
WIR - Water Information Reporting

WA Herb

1:50,000 Geological datasets
1:100,000 Geological datasets
1:250,000 Geological datasets

Bathy Contours - Marine geographic data

Can anyone think of other datasets not yet available on DataWA?

I was wondering if the DataWA team could ask the providers if these can please be added/hosted? Even if some need to included as part of the subscription fee.



Hi Ben,

Thanks for bringing these datasets to our attention we will be in contact with the DWER and DBCA data custodians to see if they can provide these datasets to Data WA. Some datasets may be restricted to government but we will keep you posted on our progress.


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I forgot to add as Ben stated please post any datasets that you know exists but not on Data WA to help us pin point any datasets that we need to pursue from the data custodians.


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Further to my last post, is it possible we can look at including more utilities/DBYD Data in DataWA from organisations such as Telstra, Optus, NBN, Nextgen, ATCO Gas? (ect…)

From memory NBN and Nextgen don’t even provide spatial data, just some PDF’s with lot boundaries, in which you have to georeference and digitise the utilites data on those PDF’s… :rage:

Is it possible the DataWA team can assist with including these datasets on SLIP and standardising this process for many of us?



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The good news is ATCO, Horizon Power and Synergy have recently come to the party and will be releasing some of their data to Data WA.

The bad news the data will be restricted to government use only for now, they may be releasing some public data in future or you may get this data at a cost but it’s start.

@ehughes might be able to provide you some further information regarding the ATCO data.

Regarding Telstra and Optus since they’re private companies they’re not obligated to provide their data like government agencies via the Open Data Policy. We are aware of the appetite of data from telecommunication companies like mobile coverage zones but it will be a battle to get this data to Data WA unless they provide it for free under an open license.

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All good, If you don’t ask, you don’t get :ok_hand:

Another addition to my DWER list, please see if you can add as a WFS
Water Information Reporting - Water Information Reporting

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Not a problem Ben. We have reached out to our spatial contact from DWER and they’re happy to provide a response to your post with regards to the requested DWER data.


Hi Ben and followers of the post.

In regard to DWER spatial data provision to DataWA/SLIP. We are in the process of reviewing our spatial data provision policy and the outcome is likely to see more of publicly available datasets being accessible via DataWA and in WFS/Downloadable methods.

For the datasets in question I’ll respond below.
Water Licensing Information (Bores and Properties) - under legislation DWER can only provide the information as it is shown on the Water Register.
Timestamped spatial copies can be requested by emailing

Perth Ground Water contours - Historic min and max contours underlie the Perth Groundwater Map. Yearly (1997-2020) min and max DTGW and WTE data also exist for the Gnangara and Jandakot mound areas. Again reach out to DWER for copies.

LiDAR data - The Swan Coastal Plain, Two Rocks to Dunsborough area, LiDAR survey was captured in 2008. DWER also has a further 66,550sqkm of LiDAR outside of this Swan Coastal Plain survey. The LIDAR can be purchased from DWER.

The Water Information (WIN) Sites dataset represents the locations (Point) where a measurement/s has been taken. The Water Information Reporting tool is the best way to interact with data and receive reports on info such as Measurements of water table depth, stream height, water quality, construction details such as bore logs etc. Timestamped spatial copies of the Sites (points) can be requested.

Look forward to helping all with their requests for data from DWER. Email through to


Hi Tim,

Thanks for creating an account and reach out on this topic! Is my understanding correct in that, the dataset you’ve listed above WON’T be available on DataWA? If so, why not?


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Hey All, Great discusssion about getting more data accessible through Data WA. Dont forget the base of DATA WA is much more than a data repository and data sharing platfom. Most importantly it is a DATA CATALOG. Data Catalogs by nature are designed to make links to information discoverable so why dont DWER and any of the other agencieeBen mentioned with already created definitive datasets provide all the info about them in WA Data and just provide a link to where or how they may be accessed. In fact I think all agencies should be encouraged to list datasets they may not be interested in storing and managing in SLIP but happy to share on request and approval. I am super keen to do this for the Pilbara Ports Authority. Viet feel free to get in contact when you have time we have an amount of data relating to the pilbara coastline and our Ports across the long stretch of coast that we can discuss sharing. cheers Pat


Couldn’t have said it any better myself Patrick. As Patrick mentioned it’s a data catalogue it doesn’t have to reside on SLIP and doesn’t have to be spatial data. Data WA does want your tabular data since we’re seriously lacking in that area (we’re working on getting more of this type of data though).

We harvest the metadata and resource links from other data catalogues such as Main Roads Open Data portal but for datasets that cannot be harvested i.e. it’s not exposed in an API or a Machine Readable format, it’s ideally it’s up to the data custodian to provide the links to their data on Data WA so it’s not buried deep within their website or worse sitting in an internal network drive where only agency staff can view and access the data.

P.S We’ll be in contact about your Pilbara Ports Authority data Pat :slight_smile:


Hi @patrick_gethin,

Completely agree! We would love to see data become even more accessible and integrated within the one state platform! That doesn’t mean undoing all the hard work each agency has done in order to store/host the data on their own infrastructure. Its all about linking data repositories and creating an open hive for people to easily find/ingest data.

got another one for you @vduong - DMIRS/DMP has an amazing library here (DMIRS Data and Software Centre) that we’d love to see linked/accessible on datawa. I’ve updated my original post with this :slight_smile:

Huge thanks for everyone getting involved in this!


Cheers Ben, already in my backlog but thanks for pointing it out so we know there is definite interest in this. I just got a whole heap of other stuff in my up next pipeline, hopefully I’ll get a chance to take a look at this again soon.



Hi folks, fantastic discussion going on here, particularly Pat’s point about making data discoverable even if you can’t make it directly available! Data custodians are always welcome to get in touch with me (either on the forum or via for assistance with things like writing Data Access Statements.

Just a reminder, we have a whole Looking for data category here to play with. It could get a little confusing if we try to discuss too many separate datasets in a single topic :wink:


Hey All, Great discusssion about getting more data accessible through Data WA. Dont forget the base of DATA WA is much more than a data repository and data sharing platfom. Most importantly it is a DATA CATALOG.

Data Catalogs by nature are designed to make links to information discoverable so why dont DWER and any of the other agenciee mentioned with already created definitive datasets provide all the info about them in WA Data and just provide a link to where or how they may be accessed.

In fact I think all agencies should be encouraged to list datasets they may not be interested in storing and managing in SLIP but happy to share on request and approval.

I am super keen to do this for the Pilbara Ports Authority. Viet feel free to get in contact when you have time we have an amount of data relating to the pilbara coastline and our Ports across the long stretch of coast that we can discuss sharing.


Hi all,

Sorry to resurrect a thread, but I thought I’d mention some data that might be in scope here - DESE (at the federal level) has a DataCube for Higher Education statistics, but gives lots of data on the WA unis (which are all established under state legsilation) and can be filtered as such.

John Brown
Curtin University