I am pleased to advise that the capture (10cm RGB) of the Perth metro area commenced on the weekend of Aug 10 and 11 and were only able to get airborne again on Sept 2 due to the bad weather.
The graphic below illustrates the extet of capture achieved so far.
Our contractor estimates around 18 hrs to capture it all.
I will provide updates as they come to hand.
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Good morning,
I am pleased to advise that the remaining parts of the metro extent have been completed – purple and blue flight paths below.
Some areas did require re-flying as they were affected by light cloud cover (which explains the random nature of the ‘blue’ flight paths).
The contractor will now be focussing on processing the data.
The current ETA for the supply of all the mosiacs is late November, but we are expecting individual mosaics (northern, central and southern blocks) will be delivered as they are completed.
The Rottnest Island mosaic has already been supplied to Landgate and is just undergoing QA.
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