I am pleased to advise that capture of the Perth metro area commenced on Australia Day (26th Jan) and has progressed well since.
The central block is already 100% captured and northern and southern blocks are well underway.
Our contractor estimates around 34hrs to capture it all (at 15cm RGB + NIR band) - so that equates to around 9 days flying time.
Best case scenario though: this should be completed by mid-February - providing the weather gods, bush fires and Perth Air Traffic Control restrictions don’t upset things too much.
I will provide updates as they come to hand.
As capture nears completion, I will be able to provide clarity of availability dates for the mosaics.
As of Friday 9th Feb, I can report the following capture progress for the capture of the 4 blocks.
Northern block - 90%
Central block - 100%
Southern block - 80%
Rottnest Island - 100%
As of today, the Rottnest mosaic has been completed and will be available at the next migration.
Processing of the Central block is well advanced and should be completed in under a fortnight. We are already in receipt of the raw North and South block imagery, so they will commence by mid-March. The entire metro mosaic is anticipated to be available in late April, into early May.
Updates will be supplied as jobs are completed.
I am pleased to advise that the early momentum achieved by virtue of an incident free and uninterrupted metro capture has been maintained, and we are looking at SLIP deployment far earlier than we did in 2023.
As previously advised, Rottnest is already in SLIP and the Central block is completed and is scheduled for deployment a week Tuesday (19/03)
Processing of the North and South block is well underway and we should see those available in SLIP (worse case scenario) in late-April.
Updates will be posted as they come to hand.
Please be advised that the metro North mosaic has been completed and metro South continues to progress well.
Both mosaics should be available in SLIP in early April. I will advise a firmer date when it becomes clearer at this end.
Please be advised that Metro North and Metro South (Summer 2024) will be deployed as follows:
• into WA Now on 9th April 2024; and into
• into Perth Metro on 10th April 2024.
Metro Central is already available in both services.
The central block is already 100% captured, with the northern and southern blocks well underway. The contractor estimates about 34 hours of flying time to complete the capture, aiming for mid-February completion, weather and air traffic permitting.