Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone knew of or uses a weather API that can show wind direction/weather fronts approaching. Is this available in DataWA? Would love to hear your thoughts.
Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone knew of or uses a weather API that can show wind direction/weather fronts approaching. Is this available in DataWA? Would love to hear your thoughts.
Hi Ben,
Agriculture (DPIRD) has some open Weather API’s at https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/weather-api-20 there is a metadata record on Data WA guess it could be more descriptive and have some wind tags to improve discoverability.
The data includes air temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed wind direction, and most stations also measure incoming solar radiation to calculate evaporation and evapotranspiration (ETo).
We have been neglecting the forums a bit but we have been very busy improving some things with the data catalogue which we are very excited to share. Hopefully, it will be released in the new year so watch this space.
Data WA