How do I get a refund from CityMall?

To refund money from city mall for a wrong product, you should immediately contact city mall customer support: +91-09131-413674 and email 24/7) report the issue.To refund money from city mall for a wrong product, you should immediately contact city mall customer support: 09131-413-674, and …

To refund money from city mall for a wrong product, you should immediately contact city mall customer support: +91-09131-413674 and email 24/7) report the issue.To refund money from city mall for a wrong product, you should immediately contact city mall customer support: 09131-413-674, and …h

To refund money from city mall for a wrong product, you should immediately contact city mall customer support: +91-09131-413674 and email 24/7) report the issue.To refund money from city mall for a wrong product, you should immediately contact city mall customer support: 09131-413-674, and …ht