Esri ArcMap discontinuation

As most of you may be aware Esri will soon be ceasing support for ArcMap.

Here at DBCA our licence for ArcMap ends at the end of 2024 and won’t be renewed so we need to either move all our processes and scripts to ArcPro (which is more expensive) or something similar.

What we are wondering is others plans for this. Are you migrating to ArcPro or have you found another similar solution?

Hi @bjbradfield
I’m currently in the process of deploying ArcGIS Enterprise, including ArcGIS Pro.
Do DBCA just have licensing for ArcMap or for the whole suite (ArcGIS Enterprise?)

The main alternative is QGIS, but then you lose a lot of the functionality that the Esri suite offers…

Hey Cory
Thanks for the reply. Currently we have the suite but unfortunately our IT department have decided that they won’t do ArcGIS Enterprise. It will be up to individual cost centres to manage their own licences for Pro if we want it.
We do some things in QGIS currently but yes limited functionality means a lot of our processes won’t work.