Looking for live DFES feed if possible? Mainly for emergencies for bus fires and cyclone evacuation orders if possible. I know that DFES has the data on emergency.wa.gov.au so would think that this data should be accessible to the public?
There are Rss feeds available from Emergency WA - Home - Emergency WA Warnings & Incidents. Is this what your looking for?
Hi @radiomedia there is a Restricted DFES Service where this data is available as I had to request it while the Woorooloo fires were on. I would reach out to DFES gis@dfes.wa.gov.au and ask for access to the data.
The layers are Active EmergencyWA Incident Areas (DFES-041) and Active EmergencyWA Warning Areas (DFES-042)
I do not know why this data feed is not PUBLIC as it should be and is freely available on the website Home - Emergency WA Warnings & Incidents
@kmiddleton The RSS feeds are not pretty and not easy to quickly hook into.
We will request access.
@James be interested in knowing how you use it at the City of Swan and your thoughts on the data?
I have not had a close look at the RSS feed, but I have a gut feeling it does not have the polygon mapping data we require for evacuations and warnings - I could be wrong and it’s easier to work with GEOjson with our system.
DFES are working on a public Emergency WA data service. They are looking to make it available around December so if you drop gis@dfes.wa.gov.au an email they can provide an update on progress. You might also like to provide a bit of info on your requirements
I have sent the email off to them and will wait for a reply.