WA Stream Orders

Hi all,

Thanks for contacting us at DWER with your request, @JeremyHayden.

For information to the rest of the community, if you require DWER data that is not available to download on SLIP and is only available via a web mapping service, please contact us via spatial.data@dwer.wa.gov.au and that data can be made available to you. Please note a data extraction fee will apply to these requests.

On the subject of DWER data, I’ll refer you back to a post from mid-2021 - State data not on DATA WA - #8 by DWER_GIS

In regard to DWER spatial data provision to DataWA/SLIP. We are in the process of reviewing our spatial data provision policy and the outcome is likely to see more of publicly available datasets being accessible via DataWA and in WFS/Downloadable methods.

This review is ongoing but is getting closer to completion and it remains likely that we’ll see more publicly available datasets being available for download via SLIP. We’ll post more about this once the review is concluded.